Next Amazon Prime Days are Coming up on 2023 October 10 -11 , Prime Exclusive Discounts for Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days: A Guide for New Amazon Sellers

How to set up Prime Exclusive Discounts for Prime Big Deal Days

Prime Big Deal Days are Amazon's biggest shopping event of the year, and Prime Exclusive Discounts are a great way to boost sales during this time. By offering exclusive discounts to Prime members, you can make your products more attractive to potential customers and increase your chances of making a sale.

Here are the steps on how to set up Prime Exclusive Discounts:

  1. Go to your Seller Central account and click on the Advertising tab.
  2. Select Prime Exclusive Discounts.
  3. Click Create Discount.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Discount name
    • Start and end dates
    • Discount amount (must be between 10% and 80%)
    • Minimum price
    • SKUs of the products you want to include in the discount
  5. Click Create Discount.

Once your discount is created, it will be reviewed by Amazon. Once it is approved, it will be live and Prime members will be able to see it.

Here are some tips for setting up effective Prime Exclusive Discounts:

  • Choose your discount amount carefully. You want to offer a discount that is attractive to customers, but you also don't want to sacrifice your profits.
  • Make sure your discount is valid for the right products. Choose products that are popular with Prime members and that you have a good inventory of.
  • Promote your discount to Prime members. Let them know about it through your email list, social media, and your Amazon product listings.

By following these tips, you can set up Prime Exclusive Discounts that will help you boost your sales during Prime Big Deal Days. 


  • In Seller Central, go to Advertising and click Prime Exclusive Discounts.This will take you to the Prime Exclusive Discounts Dashboard.

  • Click the “Create Discount” button.

  • Assign a name for your discount and mark the box “Is this a Prime Big Deal Days discount?”

    Doing this automatically deletes the option for adding the start and end dates. 

    If you haven’t determined which products in your catalog you want to offer at a special discount on Prime Big Deal Days, click “Save Discount Details.”

    Click “Save and Add Products” if you already have a list of ASINs or SKUs for your Prime Big Deal Days promo. 

  • Once ready to add products, you will be taken to step 2 of 3 where you need to add the product details for the campaigns.

    Prime Exclusive Discounts can have up to 500 SKUs.

  • Enter Details

    To do this, you may load up to 30 SKUs at a time on the page using the “Enter details” option.

    Be sure to enter the correct details: SKUs, discount type (Amount Off, Percentage Off, or Fixed Price), Prime discount, Minimum Price, and Operation (Add, Edit, or Delete)

  • Upload File

    An easier option is to select “Upload file” to bulk-upload using the PrimePriceLoader template you can find in the Prime Exclusive Discount

  • The template contains information that also applies when you choose to enter the campaign details.

    SKU – the product you want to offer at a discounted price for POrime Big Deal Days

    Discount Type – Amount Off, Percentage Off, Fixed Price

    Prime Discount – numerical value that depends on what type of discount you selected

    Lowest Possible Price (Minimum Price or Floor Price)

    Once you are done editing the template, save the changes and then upload the file.

  • Once you have entered the details or uploaded the file template for your campaign, hit the Submit button.

    Amazon will review your submission and you can view the details on the Prime Exclusive Discount dashboard

    Campaign Details image

    Clicking the “View Details” will take you to the page where you can see if there were any errors or issues that Amazon has detected.  


Prime Exclusive Discounts: Boost Visibility and Sales During Prime Big Deal Days

Prime Exclusive Discounts are a powerful tool that sellers can use to boost visibility and sales during major events like Prime Day and Prime Big Deal Days. By offering exclusive discounts to Prime members, sellers can make their products more attractive to potential customers and increase their chances of making a sale.

Here are some tips for using Prime Exclusive Discounts effectively:

  • Choose the right products. Select products that are popular with Prime members and that you have a good inventory of.
  • Offer a competitive discount. Your discount should be attractive to customers, but you also don't want to sacrifice your profits.
  • Promote your discounts. Let Prime members know about your discounts through your email list, social media, and your Amazon product listings.

Prime Big Deal Days are a major shopping event for Prime members, so you can expect to see a significant increase in traffic to your listings during this time. By offering Prime Exclusive Discounts, you can make your products even more attractive to potential customers and increase your chances of making a sale.

Happy selling on Amazon's Prime Big Deal Days!